The Management of VERUELA 2000, approaches Quality as a system to economically produce services that satisfy the needs of the Client. In order to achieve an efficient implementation, the participation of all the departments of the company and all the technical and human resources of VERUELA 2000 is required. Due to its present and future importance, the VERUELA 2000 Management declares Quality as a priority strategic objective for the whole organisation:
- Quality and its improvement is the responsibility of all the members of the company. To this end, the aim is to maximise their potential through motivation, commitment and awareness of their role in the organisation.
- Quality is a key aspect of competitiveness, highlighting the competition to provide services at competitive prices and reduced lead times on the basis of the efficiency of the resources available to the organisation.
- La Calidad se obtiene planificando, ejecutando y revisando el sistema de Gestión basada en los procesos, y que los recursos y las tareas que se realizan tengan unos resultados y beneficios más eficaces.
- Quality means optimising daily management and offering our clients the guarantee of controlled work, for which it is necessary to develop, implement and keep up to date a Quality System based on the current edition of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard, as a means of systematically improving the quality of all our processes. A system that provides adequate information and data for continuous analysis and consequent decision making aimed at greater efficiency, with the ultimate goal of implementing continuous improvement activities that result in greater efficiency.
improvement activities that result in greater efficiency for the organisation.
The Management of VERUELA 2000 endorses the above principles, promotes them through effective leadership among all members of the company and develops them in the documents of its Integrated Management System, which are hereby declared mandatory.