PNB – Basic Navigation Pattern

Basic Navigation Pattern Course (PNB)

The PNB degree is an introductory course and is limited to small boats and boat trips near the port or refuge.
If you want to upgrade your degree to PER in the future, you will have a validation of the already assessed topics after passing, so the PER exam is shorter and easier.


  • Be over 18 years of age or over 16 years of age at the time of the theoretical examination, with the permission of the legal guardian.
  • Submit a certificate of passing a psychotechnical examination in accordance with the applicable nautical qualification regulations.
  • Pass the appropriate theoretical exam
  • Perform 8 hours of basic practices of PNB safety and navigation.
  • Take a 4-hour PNB radio course (2 theoretical and 2 practical)
PNB Patron de Navegacion Basica

Up to 8 meters in length

Up to 5 miles from the coast

Day and night navigation

Jet skis


  • PNB navigation practices. Mandatory 8 hours. The current regulations determine that to obtain the title PNB, you must provide a certificate of conduct of navigation practices issued by an approved school.
  • PNB radio communication practices.
    Mandatory 4 hours. El curso de radio operador de corto alcance para el título de Patrón de Navegación Básica consta de 4 horas de formación teórica y práctica en simulador homologado.

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For more Information and Prices

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You can also write us an e-mail, call us, or visit us at our office.

Mobile: +34 683 251 682


Calle del Reloj 5, oficina 3.
36300 Baiona
Galicia, Spain.

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